League of Legends

Mastering Sett Support: The Ultimate Guide to Engagement and CC

Guide to Playing Sett Support

New Pick Alert: Sett Support

Sett has become the most picked support role in the Rift, and it’s certainly an interesting choice. However, is it good? Omnistone is also a fascinating option that may not be super optimal but is viable.

Check Out the Details on Runes and Builds Below

How to Play Sett Support


  • E, Q, W (Prioritize R > W > E > Q)

Summoner Spells:

  • Flash + Ignite

Starting Items:

  • Steel Shoulderguards + Health Potions


  • Poke with Q, E, and autos. Watch out for jungle ganks and avoid pushing too hard.

Core Items:

  • Pauldrons of Whiterock, Ninja Tabi, Dead Man’s Plate, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Knight’s Vow, Randuin’s Omen

Rune Setup


  • Omnistone, Hextech Flashtraption, Future’s Market, Time Warp Tonic


  • Nimbus Cloak, Celerity

How It Works

Minor Rune Trifecta:

  • Hexflash, Nimbus Cloak, and Celerity combine to give Sett strong engaging and sticking power, making him a superb engager with CC potential.

Omnistone Fast Resets:

  • Sett can reliably proc every keystone in the game and benefits from the reduced cooldown available to melee champions, providing excellent synergy.

Overall Strong Engagement Power:

  • As long as Sett can get into the enemy team, he offers excellent engagement potential as a support when combined with Flash (and Hexflash).

Potential Pitfalls

One-Trick Pony:

  • Sett is an all-in engage support with no secondary potential. If your team doesn’t follow up on your engagement, you’re vulnerable.

Inconsistent Abilities:

  • Hexflash is great if timed correctly, but it’s a channeled spell with a low range, requiring careful planning and execution. Combining this with Omnistone’s somewhat random nature means Sett supports must be highly adaptive.

Countering Sett Support

Countering Sett:

  • Mostly involves crowd-control or kiting abilities. As long as he doesn’t get deep within your team, he’s mostly useless as a support.


Sett Support Potential:

  • Sett has a lot of potential in coordinated team compositions and can consistently proc his keystones more often than other champions. However, this pick is mostly played for his engagement ability and thus needs a team capable of following up.

What do you think about this pick? Fancy trying it out? Comment below!


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