League of Legends

Volibear Rework: New Abilities, Skins, and Thousand Pierced Skin Revealed

Volibear’s League of Legends rework is almost here, and Riot has finally revealed the updated look for the bear. A late-night live stream showcased another teaser of the updated bear god, including the splash art for all his skins.

Volibear was voted for by fans, alongside Fiddlesticks, to receive a rework. The live stream revealed some completed assets for the bear. His rework is expected to hit the Public Beta Environment soon in an upcoming patch cycle.

Along with an update to his old skins, Volibear will be getting a new skin: Thousand Pierced Volibear. We saw a teaser of the new skin before, but now we’re seeing it in all its horrifying glory.

Take a look at Voli’s updated splash art below.

Base Skin Volibear

Base Volibear

Thunder Lord Volibear

Thunder Lord Volibear

Runeguard Volibear

Runeguard Volibear

Captain Volibear

Captain Volibear

El Rayo Volibear

El Rayo Volibear

Northern Storm Volibear

Northern Storm Volibear

Thousand Pierced Volibear

Thousand Pierced Volibear

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