League of Legends

Tristana and Veigar Cosplay as Adorable Teamfight Tactics Little Legends for April Fools’ Skins

Tristana and Veigar are cosplaying adorable Teamfight Tactics Little Legends in their latest League of Legends skins. Tristana is dressed as a Pengu, while Veigar is dressed as a Furyhorn, complete with a Golden Spatula.

These skins are likely for this year’s April Fools event. We’ve seen champions dress up in silly costumes before: Sivir in a pizza delivery uniform, Maokai and Alistar in animal pajamas, and Galio as a chicken. It’s meta for Tristana and Veigar to join the lineup, especially close to the release of Teamfight Tactics for mobile.

These skins are part of the patch 10.7 Public Beta Environment cycle and will be available for testing soon. They’ll launch when patch 10.7 hits live servers in the coming weeks.

Pengu Cosplay Tristana

Furyhorn Cosplay Veigar

These skins are part of the patch 10.7 Public Beta Environment cycle and will be available for testing soon. They’ll launch when patch 10.7 hits live servers in the coming weeks.

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