
Top Aghanim’s Scepters for Position 4 Heroes in Dota 2

Top 10 Aghanim’s Scepter Upgrades for Position 4

Position 4 heroes are known for their playmaking abilities on the map. Here’s a list of the best Aghanim’s Scepter upgrades for this position:


  • Passive Triggering: Starstorm periodically triggers without enemies.
  • Wait for Enemies: If there are no units to affect, the spell waits until a nearby enemy is detected.
  • Recent Nerf and Rebalance: The cooldown reduction has brought this upgrade back into the meta.

This upgrade turns Mirana into a jumping burst damage cannon and one of the best wave clearers in the game. A double Starstorm can kill every creep in a wave, followed by an arrow to kill the siege creep. Mirana can unleash a triple Starstorm or at least a double Starstorm in a large area for massive burst damage, making even tanky heroes feel the impact. By blinking or leaping in, casting Starstorm, and then leaping out, Mirana can consistently pump out high burst damage with little risk[5].


  • Versatility: Lifedrain is a versatile spell that excels in health trading wars.
  • Flexibility: With this upgrade, you have more flexibility in using Lifedrain without worrying about cooldowns.
  • Potential: This spell opens up greatly with no cooldown, allowing you to save your allies one second and then regain health by draining an enemy the next second. Pairing it with an Aether Lens and a tanky teammate makes running at the enemy a jog in the park[5].

Finger of Death

  • Increased Damage: Increases damage from 600/725/850 to 725/875/1025.
  • Reduced Mana Cost: Decreases mana cost from 200/420/650 to 200/420/625.
  • Shortened Cooldown: Decreases cooldown from 160/100/40 to 100/60/20.
  • Area of Effect: Hits all enemy units within a 325 radius of the primary target.

This upgrade turns Finger of Death into one of the best area of effect burst damage spells. At level three, it becomes a 20-second cooldown, making it surprisingly powerful despite its cooldown[5].

Shadow Realm

  • Uninterruptible Attacks: Attacking no longer ends Shadow Realm.
  • Damage Buff: Each attack has bonus damage for the duration of the buff.

When Dark Willow activates Shadow Realm, she becomes untargetable for up to five seconds, making it one of the best survivability spells in the game. The damage buff is significant, allowing squishy supports to become untargetable and deal high amounts of damage from a long distance[5].

Poison Nova

  • Increased Damage per Second: Increases damage per second.
  • Reduced Cooldown: Decreases cooldown.

Venomancer’s Poison Nova becomes too high to fight into with this upgrade. If built early, it becomes a massive boost to team fights. The debuff applied to multiple enemies forces them to run away or fight while losing health, making it a powerful lockdown spell[5].

Static Storm

  • Extended Duration: Increases duration and applies mute.
  • Lockdown Potential: Combines with Kinetic Field to mute, silence, trap, and damage enemies.

Static Storm becomes an incredible lockdown spell when combined with Kinetic Field. Enemies will be muted, silenced, trapped, and damaged, causing panic and running in circles syndrome. With just one other ally, you can deliver a huge amount of damage to as many as five heroes[5].


  • Increased Cast Range: Increases cast range.
  • Caustic Finale: Applies Caustic Finale poison to heroes hit by Burrowstrike.

This upgrade turns Burrowstrike into a 1400 range AoE stun. It also applies Caustic Finale to heroes hit by Burrowstrike. The range is so long that you almost don’t need a blink dagger. You can use it to escape, stunning enemies in the way, and initiate from a far distance. The Caustic Finale buff is useful for dealing with heroes like Phantom Lancer or Terrorblade[5].

Spell Steal

  • Stolen Ultimates: Stolen ultimates always have the scepter upgrade.
  • Reduced Cooldown: Reduces cooldown.
  • Increased Cast Range: Increases cast range.

Spell Steal is one of the most powerful spells in the game. Spells stolen by Rubick become even stronger when used by Rubick because he has 0 cast time. With a two-second cooldown and an Aether Lens, a Rubick in a good position can unleash devastating combos in team fights. Heroes like Enigma or Tidehunter will be hesitant to use their ultimate when they know a Rubick is lurking in the background[5].

Torrent Storm

  • Visible Torrents: Continuously releases visible torrents around Kunkka.

A new ability and recent addition, Torrent Storm creates 20 random intervals of torrents in an 1100 radius in a 0.25-second interval for five seconds. This is extremely scary to fight into for any hero without Black King Bar. Say goodbye to using any sort of channeling ability unless you want to test lady luck. When this spell becomes activated, you really can’t fight in an 1100 radius unless you’re ahead[5].

Enchant Totem

  • Point Targeted Ability: Becomes a point targeted ability.
  • Jumping Ability: Causes you to jump in the air and land at the target spot, casting Enchant Totem there.

This upgrade allows you to fly through the air for 1100 distance and when you land, Enchant Totem is cast. This is similar to a Blink Dagger effect, except not instant, and you are able to cast it even while taking damage. This sets up Earthshaker to initiate multiple times in a fight, using Fissure to start, then jumping in and stunning with Aftershock and Enchant Totem, and then using Echo Slam. This can be done multiple times in a fight, enhancing Earthshaker’s stun locking potential greatly. You also gain a great survivability boost, able to juke out enemies across high and low ground if they’re not killing you within those few seconds[5].

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