League of Legends

Tier List | Solo Queue | 14.7 | League of Legends Tier List

League of Legends Solo Queue Tier Lists for Patch 14.7

Welcome to the longest-running League of Legends tier list, created using statistical analysis and nearly a decade of experience. This list is designed for humble players aiming to climb the ranks without dedicating massive hours to mastering champions.

Trusted and Community-Driven

This tier list is consistently updated and open to feedback. If you disagree with any champion placements, feel free to comment and engage in a discussion.

Patch 14.7 Tier List Update Summary

  • Buffs on heal supports make healing reduction more crucial.
  • Rek’Sai, though still viable in the top lane, is no longer as overpowered as she was pre-nerf.

Full LoL Tier List for Solo Queue

This tier list organizes every viable champion, considering the average experienced player. It is applicable from Silver to Platinum and can be used for higher divisions, though specialization increases with rank.

Tier Structure

God Tier

  • Highest Influence | Good In Almost Every Situation | Easiest to Gain LP With
    • Mid Lane: Ahri, Diana, Aurelion Sol
    • Jungle: Briar, Bel’Veth, Viego
    • Top Lane: Malphite, Camille, Trundle
    • Bot Lane: Jinx, Twitch, Ashe
    • Support: Pyke, Janna, Nami

Tier 1

  • Strong/Preferred Choices | Good Effort to Benefit Ratio | Works Well In Solo Queue
    • Mid Lane: Sylas, Lux, Kassadin, Taliyah, Anivia, Twisted Fate, Fizz, Akali, Ekko, Vex, Katarina, Akshan, Xerath, Cassiopeia, Lissandra, Yone, Rumble, Viktor, Talon, Renekton, Vladimir, Neeko, Yasuo, Annie, Swain
    • Jungle: Volibear, Master Yi, Rammus, Diana, Brand, Rengar, Nocturne, Graves, Nidalee, Kha’Zix, Ivern, Ekko, Vi, Kindred, Evelynn, Lee Sin, Maokai, Xin Zhao, Jax
    • Top Lane: Olaf, Nasus, Rek’Sai, Gragas, Mordekaiser, Urgot, Shen, Aatrox, Garen, Twisted Fate, Gwen, Yorick, Vayne, Kayle, Ornn, Riven, Volibear, Poppy, Akshan, Quinn, Darius, Sion, Gangplank, Maokai, Kled, Rengar, Pantheon, Irelia
    • Bot Lane: Kog’Maw, Samira, Draven, Nilah, Senna, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Jhin, Seraphine, Caitlyn, Ziggs, Kai’Sa
    • Support: Blitzcrank, Rakan, Sona, Senna, Nautilus, Thresh, Leona, Braum, Maokai, Zyra, Soraka, Rell, Camille, Morgana, Taric, Xerath, Alistar, Fiddlesticks, Lux, Amumu

Tier 2

  • Viable/Balanced Choices | Common In Solo Queue | Needs Practice To Get Good
    • Mid Lane: Azir, Orianna, Malzahar, Syndra, Malphite, Karma, Gragas, Zoe, Galio, Qiyana, Veigar, Zilean, Heimerdinger, Lucian, Irelia, Tristana, Ryze, Morgana, Ziggs, Seraphine, Zed, Pantheon, Nocturne, Brand, Vel’Koz, Kayle, Kled, Wukong
    • Jungle: Lillia, Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Jarvan IV, Kayn, Shaco, Hecarim, Warwick, Taliyah, Nunu, Elise, Amumu, Talon, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Olaf, Sejuani, Shyvana, Rumble, Dr. Mundo, Trundle
    • Top Lane: Illaoi, Singed, Teemo, Sett, Fiora, Jayce, Jax, Warwick, Tahm Kench, Skarner, Tryndamere, Sejuani, Renekton, Sylas, Kennen, Yasuo, Heimerdinger, Lissandra, Vladimir, Yone, Rumble
    • Bot Lane: Ezreal, Yasuo, Swain, Twisted Fate, Sivir, Veigar, Tristana, Xayah, Smolder
    • Support: Bard, Lulu, Milio, Annie, Heimerdinger, Zac, Zilean, Seraphine, Shaco, Vel’Koz, Neeko, Renata Glasc, Yuumi, Swain, Brand, Karma, Ashe, Galio, Gragas, Syndra, Anivia, Tahm Kench, Pantheon

Tier 3

  • Needs Higher Skill or Knowledge | Counterpicks
    • Mid Lane: Naafiri, Leblanc, Corki, Karthus, Jayce, Camille, Viego, Singed, Tryndamere, Gwen, Aatrox, Kennen, Pyke, Gangplank, Fiddlesticks, Janna, Hwei, Ezreal, Zyra, Zeri, Kog’Maw (AP), Cho’Gath, Rakan, Quinn, Lulu, Sona, Varus
    • Jungle: Zac, Wukong, Skarner, Gwen, Morgana, Zed, Sylas, Sett, Malphite, Cho’Gath, Pantheon
    • Top Lane: Gnar, Swain, Dr. Mundo, K’Sante, Zac, Lee Sin, Udyr, Cho’gath, Viego, Akali, Nocturne, Hecarim, Jarvan IV, Rammus, Lucian, Nautilus, Neeko, Ryze, Karma
    • Bot Lane: Aphelios, Zeri, Varus, Kalista, Cho’gath, Karthus, Cassiopeia, Heimerdinger, Quinn, Corki, Akshan, Singed

Tier 4

  • Low Benefit Based On Effort Used
    • Mid Lane: Nasus, Sion, Teemo, Jarvan IV, Riven, Jhin
    • Jungle: Darius, Tryndamere, Riven, Nasus, Tahm Kench, Qiyana
    • Top Lane: Briar, Shaco, Galio, Soraka

Key Points

  • Champion Strength: Within each tier, champions are strongest from left to right, but their strength is relatively close.
  • Win Rates: Important but not the sole criteria for champion placement. High win rates indicate a champion’s potential, but low win rates may suggest incorrect play or unfavorable match-ups.
  • Professional Picks: May not translate to solo queue due to different meta-games and skill levels.
  • Tier Descriptions:
    • God Tier: Dominant champions that can significantly impact the game even if played poorly.
    • Tier 1: Strong champions with advantages over most others.
    • Tier 2: Balanced champions with strengths and weaknesses.
    • Tier 3: Champions needing more snowballing to be effective and with noticeable weaknesses.
    • Tier 4: Underpowered champions offering less reward for the effort.

Notable Champions

  • Lux: Received buffs that improve her mid lane game by increasing AP scaling on her passive and Light Binding.
  • Nami: Buffs to her healing power make her more potent in team fights and a natural counter to many meta supports.
  • Olaf: Major buffs make him viable again as a top lane champion.
  • Rek’Sai: Nerfs to her passive heal and fury gain reduction make her lane phase less dominant but still viable.
  • Sona: Buffs make her more viable despite early game risks, especially as a counter to Janna.

Check out the full tier list and additional champion counter guides for more detailed information.

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