League of Legends

Urgot Joins Star Guardians in Adorable Pajama Cosplay Skin

As long as the Star Guardian skin line has existed, League of Legends fans have asked for Urgot to be included. Initially a joke, the idea of Star Guardian Urgot became a genuine and wholesome wish after dozens of fan art pieces. In 2020, Riot finally gave fans Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot.

The skin, revealed in a teaser trailer from the Riot France Facebook page, showcases Urgot’s cuddlier side. He’s dressed like a regular Pajama Guardian, complete with tiny cat slippers on each of his mechanical robot feet. New particles and animations complement the skin, making it part of this year’s April Fools lineup.

Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot is on its way to the Public Beta Environment and should head to live servers as soon as the latest patch is ready.

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