League of Legends

Best Champions for Climbing in LoL Patch 10.9

Welcome to the longest-running League of Legends tier list in the world. This tier list is created using statistical analysis and nearly a decade of experience in League of Legends. It’s specially curated for players who aren’t already skilled champions, aiming to help humble players climb without massive hours dedicated to mastering champions.

Trusted for our consistent updates and constant feedback, this list is as much yours as it is ours. If you disagree with any champion placements, feel free to post in the comment section We’ll gladly voice our opinion or enter into a discussion on champion placement.

Read on to see the tier list that’s granted millions of players around the world massive success in their League of Legends ranked climb.

Patch 10.9 Tier List Update Summary

  • Buffs: Cho’Gath, Fiddlesticks, Gnar, Kayn, Lissandra, Quinn
  • Nerfs: Bard, Karthus, Nami, Trundle, Wukong

Tier 1

God Tier: These champions are almost impossible to keep down. If your team doesn’t shut them down hard, they can be a massive nuisance. Examples include Talon, Diana, and Fizz.

Tier 1: These champions generally do very well and have some advantage over most other champions. When they do well, their team does well. Examples include Graves (Jungle), Rek’Sai (Jungle), Olaf (Jungle), Kled (Top), Maokai (Top), and Wukong (Top).

Tier 2

Tier 2: This tier includes balanced champions where Riot aims to place their designs. These champions generally do well in their own right and are strong picks with a good chance of winning. Examples include Olaf (Jungle), Rek’Sai (Jungle), Fiddlesticks (Jungle), Kayn (Jungle), Shaco (Jungle), and Cho’Gath (Top).

Tier 3

Tier 3: These champions can still do very well but need a little more snowballing to get rolling. Even if they get an early lead, it’s still possible to turn the tides on them with just a mistake or two. Examples include Fiddlesticks (Jungle), Kayn (Jungle), Shaco (Jungle), and Cho’Gath (Top).

Tier 4

Tier 4: These champions are either underpowered or offer less reward than other champions for the same amount of effort. Examples include Tahm Kench (Support), Trundle (Jungle), Nasus (Top), and Leblanc (Mid).

Rising and Falling Champions

  • Rising to God Tier: Olaf (Jungle), Rek’Sai (Jungle)
  • Rising to Tier 1: Fiddlesticks (Jungle), Kayn (Jungle), Shaco (Jungle)
  • Falling to Tier 1: Wukong (Jungle), Zac (Jungle)
  • Falling to Tier 3: Tahm Kench (Support)

Detailed Tier List

Mid Lane

  • God Tier: Talon, Diana, Fizz
  • Tier 1: Kassadin, Galio, Ekko, Ahri, Nocturne, Cassiopeia, Katarina, Vladimir, Malzahar, Qiyana, Heimerdinger, Zoe, Annie, Vel’Koz, Xerath, Veigar, Anivia, Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Kayle, Orianna, Ziggs
  • Tier 2: Syndra, Zilean, Lux, Akali, Zed, Renekton, Ryze, Morgana, Leblanc, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Swain, Brand, Sylas, Neeko, Azir, Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Garen, Lissandra, Viktor
  • Tier 3: Karthus, Jayce, Taliyah, Tristana, Karma, Corki, Kennen, Gangplank, Wukong, Irelia, Pyke, Ezreal, Lucian, Zyra, Gragas, Kog’Maw (AP), Cho’Gath, Pantheon, Quinn, Nasus, Lulu, Sona, Varus, Urgot, Teemo, Sion, Malphite
  • Tier 4: Jarvan IV, Riven, Jhin


  • God Tier: Graves, Olaf
  • Tier 1: Fiddlesticks, Rek’Sai
  • Tier 2: Xin Zhao, Sylas, Nocturne, Jarvan IV, Kindred, Nidalee, Diana, Kha’Zix, Gragas, Rengar, Amumu, Jax, Sejuani, Volibear, Camille, Taliyah, Trundle, Maokai, Skarner, Cho’Gath, Twitch, Udyr
  • Tier 3: Quinn, Pantheon, Darius, Tryndamere, Poppy, Malphite, Talon
  • Tier 4: Riven, Nasus, Tahm Kench, Qiyana

Top Lane

  • God Tier: Wukong
  • Tier 1: Kled, Maokai
  • Tier 2: Irelia, Illaoi, Poppy, Dr. Mundo, Jax, Cho’Gath, Pantheon, Tryndamere, Kalista, Sylas, Ryze, Jayce, Singed, Urgot, Volibear, Yorick, Cassiopeia, Swain, Karma, Shen, Gnar, Heimerdinger
  • Tier 3: Jarvan IV, Akali, Nautilus, Neeko, Diana, Trundle, Vayne, Tahm Kench, Soraka, Viktor, Hecarim, Aatrox, Malzahar, Shaco, Qiyana, Galio, Fizz, Kassadin, Rengar, Gragas, Lulu

Bot Lane

  • God Tier: Jinx
  • Tier 1: Miss Fortune, Ashe, Ezreal
  • Tier 2: Cassiopeia, Aphelios, Xayah, Sivir, Tristana, Kog’Maw, Senna, Yasuo, Jhin
  • Tier 3: Twisted Fate, Veigar


  • God Tier: Bard
  • Tier 1: Leona, Blitzcrank
  • Tier 2: Senna, Sona, Yuumi, Swain, Shaco, Soraka, Brand, Vel’Koz, Zyra, Galio, Karma, Lux, Xerath
  • Tier 3: Tahm Kench, Shen, Jarvan IV, Pantheon, Ornn, Fiddlesticks, Sion, Poppy, Annie, Malphite, Veigar, Gragas
  • Tier 4: Trundle, Leblanc, Miss Fortune, Teemo, Ashe

Notes on Win Rates

Win rates are important in analyzing each champion’s strength but are not the end-all criteria. Professional picks may not necessarily translate into good picks for solo queue ladder due to different meta-games and skill levels. The creator of this list is diamond, so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.

Key Points

  • God Tier: These champions are almost impossible to keep down. If your team doesn’t shut them down hard, they can be a massive nuisance.
  • Tier 1: These champions generally do very well and have some advantage over most other champions.
  • Tier 2: Balanced champions where Riot aims to place their designs.
  • Tier 3: Champions that can still do very well but need a little more snowballing to get rolling.
  • Tier 4: Underpowered champions offering less reward than other champions for the same amount of effort.

With enough playtime, a high win rate on a champion indicates that something generally goes right, and a low win rate indicates that whatever is happening in games with this champion isn’t in their favor. A low win rate may mean a champion is being played incorrectly and is stronger than their win rate indicates.

Rising and Falling Champions

  • Rising to God Tier: Olaf (Jungle), Rek’Sai (Jungle)
  • Rising to Tier 1: Fiddlesticks (Jungle), Kayn (Jungle), Shaco (Jungle)
  • Falling to Tier 1: Wukong (Jungle), Zac (Jungle)
  • Falling to Tier 3: Tahm Kench (Support)

Detailed Tier List

Mid Lane

  • God Tier: Talon, Diana, Fizz
  • Tier 1: Kassadin, Galio, Ekko, Ahri, Nocturne, Cassiopeia, Katarina, Vladimir, Malzahar, Qiyana, Heimerdinger, Zoe, Annie, Vel’Koz, Xerath, Veigar, Anivia, Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Kayle, Orianna, Ziggs


  • God Tier: Graves, Olaf
  • Tier 1: Fiddlesticks, Rek’Sai

Top Lane

  • God Tier: Wukong

Bot Lane

  • God Tier: Jinx


  • God Tier: Bard


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