League of Legends

Patch 10.7 Solo Queue Tier List: Top Picks for Climbing

Welcome to the longest-running League of Legends tier list in the world. This tier list is created using statistical analysis and nearly a decade of experience in League of Legends. It’s specially curated for players who aren’t already skilled, helping them climb without massive hours dedicated to mastering champions.

Trusted for consistent updates and feedback, this list is as much yours as it is ours. If you disagree with any champion placements, feel free to post in the comment section We’ll either voice our opinion or enter into a discussion on champion placement.

Read on to see the tier list that’s granted millions of players around the world massive success in their League of Legends ranked climb.

Patch 10.7 Tier List Update Summary

Top lane is getting significant changes this patch, with Garen nerfed and Nasus buffed. Fiddlesticks changes didn’t quite meet expectations, but a quick hotfix has made him nearly balanced. His potential is promising, but we’ll see how he performs as players learn his abilities.

Tier List Overview

God Tier

These champions are nearly unbeatable. If your team doesn’t prioritize shutting them down, they can be a significant nuisance. Even if they lose their lane or CS, they can still impact the game.

Tier 1

These champions generally perform well and have an advantage over most others. When they do well, their team does well too. Even if they don’t do well, their team still has a good chance of a comeback victory.

Tier 2

This tier includes balanced champions that are strong picks but have weaknesses. They generally do well but need practice to excel.

Tier 3

These champions can still perform well but need more snowballing to get rolling. They may have weaknesses that can be capitalized on.

Tier 4

These champions are underpowered or offer less reward for the same effort. They start winning from the get-go or get made fun of for the rest of the game. They need gold to perform correctly and become sandbags for the enemy team if they don’t get enough.

Champion Placements

Mid Lane

  • God Tier: Talon, Diana, Fizz
  • Tier 1: Ahri, Kassadin, Galio, Ekko, Nocturne, Cassiopeia, Vladimir, Malzahar, Qiyana, Katarina, Heimerdinger, Zoe, Annie, Vel’Koz, Xerath, Veigar, Anivia, Yasuo, Twisted Fate, Kayle, Orianna, Ziggs
  • Tier 2: Syndra, Zilean, Lux, Akali, Zed, Renekton, Ryze, Morgana, Leblanc, Mordekaiser, Rumble, Swain, Brand, Sylas, Neeko, Azir, Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Garen, Lissandra, Viktor
  • Tier 3: Karthus, Jayce, Taliyah, Tristana, Karma, Corki, Kennen, Gangplank, Wukong, Irelia, Pyke, Ezreal, Lucian, Zyra, Gragas, Cho’Gath, Pantheon Quinn Nasus Lulu Sona Varus Urgot Teemo Sion Fiddlesticks Malphite
  • Tier 4: Jarvan IV Riven Jhin


  • God Tier: Wukong Zac Olaf Elise
  • Tier 1: Wukong Zac Olaf Elise
  • Tier 2: Xin Zhao Shaco Sylas Nocturne Jarvan IV Kindred Nidalee Diana Kha’Zix Gragas Rengar Amumu Kayn Jax Sejuani Volibear Camille Taliyah Trundle Maokai Skarner Cho’Gath Twitch Udyr Fiddlesticks
  • Tier 3: Quinn Pantheon Darius Tryndamere Poppy Malphite Talon
  • Tier 4: Riven Nasus Tahm Kench Qiyana

Top Lane

  • God Tier: Wukong Kled Nasus
  • Tier 1: Riven Darius Sett Fiora Vladimir Kayle Malphite Maokai Garen Ornn Mordekaiser Sona Olaf Renekton Yasuo Sion Camille Gangplank Rumble Kennen Quinn Teemo Lissandra Heimerdinger Cho’gath
  • Tier 2: Irelia Illaoi Poppy Dr. Mundo Jax Pantheon Tryndamere Kalista Sylas Ryze Jayce Singed Urgot Volibear Yorick Cassiopeia Swain Karma Shen Gnar Heimerdinger Cho’gath
  • Tier 3: Jarvan IV Akali Nautilus Neeko Diana Trundle Vayne Tahm Kench Soraka Viktor Hecarim Aatrox Malzahar Shaco Qiyana Galio Fizz Kassadin Rengar Gragas Lulu
  • Tier 4: Fiddlesticks Sion Poppy Annie Malphite Veigar Gragas

Bot Lane

  • God Tier: Miss Fortune Ashe Ezreal
  • Tier 1: Vayne Jinx Caitlyn Varus Draven Senna Heimerdinger Lucian Kai’Sa Twitch
  • Tier 2: Aphelios Xayah Cassiopeia Sivir Tristana Kog’Maw Yasuo Jhin
  • Tier 3: Quinn Kalista Corki
  • Tier 4: Twisted Fate Veigar


  • God Tier: Leona Blitzcrank
  • Tier 1: Nautilus Taric Lulu Nami Pyke Janna Swain Thresh Senna Tahm Kench Maokai Alistar Morgana Rakan Braum
  • Tier 2: Sona Yuumi Shaco Soraka Brand Vel’Koz Zyra Galio Karma Lux Xerath Zilean
  • Tier 3: Shen Jarvan IV Pantheon Ornn Fiddlesticks Sion Poppy Annie Malphite Veigar Gragas
  • Tier 4: Trundle Leblanc Miss Fortune Teemo Ashe

Rising and Falling Champions

  • Rising to God Tier: Wukong (Jungle)
  • Rising to Tier 1: Galio (Mid), Ivern (Jungle), Maokai (Top/Support), Riven (Top), Taric (Support), Varus (Marksman)
  • Falling to Tier 1: Darius (Top), Ekko (Jungle), Garen (Top), Nasus (Top), Nautilus (Support), Sett (Top)
  • Rising to Tier 2: Fiddlesticks (Jungle)
  • Falling to Tier 2: Fiddlesticks (Support)

Key Points

  • Win Rates: Important for analyzing each champion’s strength, but not the end-all criteria.
  • Professional Picks: May not translate into good solo queue picks due to different meta-games and skill levels.
  • Creator Bias: The creator is diamond, which may influence higher tier play on certain champions.

Champion Examples

  • Fiddlesticks: Despite the hotfix, Fiddlesticks still isn’t performing well. However, he has potential and is strong once players understand his abilities.
  • Galio: The buff on his ultimate makes him more effective in team fights, moving him up in the rankings.
  • Kled: After Garen’s nerf, Kled is moving up. He excels in match-ups against meta champions and has good all-in potential.
  • Nasus: The buffs allow him to scale well into the mid to late game, making him a formidable opponent.
  • Nautilus: Despite being a great pick, Nautilus has drifted downwards due to lack of peel against assassins and powerful all-in champions.
  • Riven: The regen buff gives her more survivability in lane, making her a formidable force in the top lane.
  • Wukong: The nerfs were minor, and he continues to perform well, making him a top pick.


LoL Tier List God Tier Pick

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