Welcome to the longest-running League of Legends tier list in the world. This tier list is created using statistical analysis and nearly a decade of experience in League of Legends. It’s specially curated for players who aren’t already skilled champions, aiming to help humble players climb the ranks without massive hours dedicated to mastering champions.
Trusted for consistent updates and constant feedback, this list is as much yours as it is ours. If you disagree with any champion placements, feel free to post in the comment section We’ll gladly voice our opinion or enter into a discussion on champion placement.
Read on to see the tier list that has granted millions of players around the world massive success in their League of Legends ranked climb.
Patch 10.10 Tier List Update Summary
The usual suspects from last patch continue to dominate. The recent changes have hit some of the more lane-dominant champions, leaving room for changes in the meta.
- Annie
- Irelia
- Nidalee
- Sivir
- Soraka
- Twisted Fate
- Udyr
- Diana
- Katarina
- Kayn
- Kled
- Miss Fortune
- Maokai
- Taric
LoL Tier List
God Tier List
These champions are nearly impossible to keep down. If your team doesn’t prioritize shutting them down, even if they lose their lane or CS, they can be a massive nuisance.
Mid Lane:
- Talon
- Annie
- Diana
- Graves
- Zac
- Rek’Sai
Top Lane:
- Wukong
- Maokai
- Garen
Bot Lane:
- Ezreal
- Twitch
- Ashe
- Leona
- Blitzcrank
- Bard
Rising to God Tier:
- Annie (Mid)
- Bard (Support)
- Garen (Top)
- Twitch (Marksman)
- Wukong (Top)
- Zac (Jungle)
Tier 1
These champions generally do very well and have some sort of advantage over most other champions. When they do well, their team does well, and even when they don’t, their team still has a good chance of a comeback victory.
Mid Lane:
- Fizz
- Kassadin
- Galio
- Ekko
- Ahri
- Nocturne
- Cassiopeia
- Katarina
- Vladimir
- Malzahar
- Qiyana
- Heimerdinger
- Twisted Fate
- Zoe
- Vel’Koz
- Xerath
- Veigar
- Anivia
- Yasuo
- Kayle
- Orianna
- Ziggs
- Wukong
- Olaf
- Ekko
- Lee Sin
- Shyvana
- Udyr
- Evelynn
- Elise
- Fiddlesticks
- Shaco
- Kayn
- Warwick
- Karthus
- Master Yi
- Ivern
- Nunu
- Vi
- Dr. Mundo
- Rammus
- Hecarim
- Trundle
Top Lane:
- Riven
- Darius
- Fiora
- Vladimir
- Kayle
- Malphite
- Nasus
- Sett
- Ornn
- Mordekaiser
- Sona
- Olaf
- Renekton
- Yasuo
- Sion
- Volibear
- Camille
- Gangplank
- Rumble
- Kennen
- Lissandra
Bot Lane:
- Miss Fortune
- Vayne
- Jinx
- Caitlyn
- Varus
- Draven
- Heimerdinger
- Lucian
- Kai’Sa
- Nautilus
- Taric
- Zilean
- Lulu
- Nami
- Pyke
- Janna
- Thresh
- Maokai
- Alistar
- Morgana
- Rakan
- Braum
Rising to Tier 1:
- Trundle (Jungle)
- Udyr (Jungle)
- Volibear (Top)
Falling to Tier 1:
- Fizz (Mid)
- Kled (Top)
- Olaf (Jungle)
Tier 2
These champions are viable and balanced, but not overpowered. They generally do well in their own right and are strong picks with a good chance of winning.
Mid Lane:
- Syndra
- Zilean
- Lux
- Akali
- Zed
- Renekton
- Ryze
- Morgana
- Leblanc
- Mordekaiser
- Rumble
- Swain
- Brand
- Sylas
- Neeko
- Azir
- Aatrox
- Aurelion Sol
- Garen
- Lissandra
- Viktor
- Xin Zhao
- Sylas
- Nocturne
- Jarvan IV
- Kindred
- Nidalee
- Diana
- Kha’Zix
- Gragas
- Rengar
- Amumu
- Jax
- Sejuani
- Volibear
- Camille
- Taliyah
- Maokai
- Skarner
- Cho’Gath
- Twitch
Top Lane:
- Irelia
- Illaoi
- Poppy
- Dr. Mundo
- Jax
- Cho’gath
- Pantheon
- Tryndamere
- Kalista
- Sylas
- Ryze
- Jayce
- Singed
- Urgot
- Yorick
- Cassiopeia
- Swain
- Karma
- Shen
- Gnar
- Heimerdinger
Bot Lane:
- Cassiopeia
- Aphelios
- Xayah
- Sivir
- Tristana
- Kog’Maw
- Senna
- Yasuo
- Jhin
- Senna
- Sona
- Yuumi
- Swain
- Shaco
- Soraka
- Brand
- Vel’Koz
- Zyra
- Galio
- Karma
- Lux
- Xerath
Rising to Tier 2:
Falling to Tier 2:
Tier 3
These champions can still do well but need a little more snowballing to get rolling. They may have weaknesses that can be capitalized on.
Mid Lane:
- Karthus
- Jayce
- Taliyah
- Tristana
- Karma
- Corki
- Kennen
- Gangplank
- Wukong
- Irelia
- Pyke
- Ezreal
- Lucian
- Zyra
- Gragas
- Kog’Maw (AP)
- Cho’Gath
- Pantheon
- Quinn
- Nasus
- Lulu
- Sona
- Varus
- Urgot
- Teemo
- Sion
- Malphite
- Quinn
- Pantheon
- Darius
- Tryndamere
- Poppy
- Malphite
- Talon
Top Lane:
- Jarvan IV
- Akali
- Nautilus
- Neeko
- Diana
- Trundle
- Vayne
- Tahm Kench
- Soraka
- Viktor
- Hecarim
- Aatrox
- Malzahar
- Shaco
- Qiyana
- Galio
- Fizz
- Kassadin
- Rengar
- Gragas
- Lulu
Bot Lane:
- Quinn
- Kalista
- Corki
- Tahm Kench
- Shen
- Jarvan IV
- Pantheon
- Ornn
- Fiddlesticks
- Sion
- Poppy
- Annie
- Malphite
- Veigar
- Gragas
Rising to Tier 3:
Falling to Tier 3:
Tier 4
These champions are either underpowered or offer less reward than other champions for the same amount of effort. They need gold to do their job correctly and become sandbags for the enemy team to punch.
Mid Lane:
- Jarvan IV
- Riven
- Jhin
- Riven
- Nasus
- Tahm Kench
- Qiyana
Bot Lane:
- Twisted Fate
- Veigar
- Trundle
- Leblanc
- Miss Fortune
- Teemo
- Ashe
Champions in BOLD will be discussed shortly.
Champions UNDERLINED may be over/undervalued, but aren’t/haven’t been played enough for a better judgment.
Within each tier, champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier, each champion’s strength is relatively close.
Win Rates are important in analyzing each champion’s strength but are not the end-all criteria.
Professional Picks may not necessarily translate into good picks for solo queue ladder.
The creator of this list is diamond so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.
God Tier: These champions are almost impossible to keep down. If your team doesn’t prioritize shutting them down, even if they lose their lane or CS, they can be a massive nuisance.
Tier 1: These champions generally do very well and have some sort of advantage over most other champions. When they do well, their team does well, and even when they don’t, their team still has a good chance of a comeback victory.
Tier 2: This tier includes balanced champions where Riot shoots to place their designs. These champions generally do well in their own right and are very strong picks with a good chance of winning.
Tier 3: These champions can still do very well but need a little more snowballing to get rolling. They may have weaknesses that can be capitalized on.
Tier 4: These champions are either underpowered or offer less reward than other champions for the same amount of effort. They need gold to do their job correctly and become sandbags for the enemy team to punch.
With enough playtime, a high win rate on a champion indicates that something generally goes right, and a low win rate indicates that whatever is happening in games with this champion isn’t in their favor. A low win rate may mean a champion is being played incorrectly and is stronger than its win rate indicates, but a top 25 win rate (with 120 champions) almost always indicates that a champion is at least a good candidate for Tier 1 or high Tier 2 if the sample size is large enough.
This means that champions with high win rates do not mean they’re necessarily good right now, especially if they have a low play rate or tend to get into favorable match-ups. If we feel this is the case, these champions will place differently on this tier list than you’d think. Similarly, champions with low win rates that are still within acceptable deviations may end up slightly higher than you’d expect from a champion with mediocre win rates.
If there are champions on this tier list with low overall play rates but good win rates after relatively few games of practice, it may mean that players picking those champions up just to try them are bringing down the average. If this is the case, we will place them higher on the list.
In Tier 3 of this tier list, we’ve placed certain champions that are good as a second pick but can get spanked hard if they end up first picking by a variety of meta champions. If you’re good at a large variety of champions, picking a champion that counters your lane is a good place to start. If you can get a slight advantage and don’t have a clear experience advantage, picking a champion that both places high on this tier list and also counters your enemy lane may give you enough to win a game.
Annie [God Tier Mid]
Annie’s latest changes were aimed primarily at her defensive capabilities. When she has the chance to dish her damage, she does incredibly well and is obviously capable of nearly one-shotting enemy squishies in an AOE. Meanwhile, she’s always had some trouble getting initiated on as she has low mobility without flash and limited escape options. The tweak to her molten shield has helped her much more than it appears at a 30% boost to her previous damage reduction. When you combine this with an unneeded, but obviously very welcome increase to her Tibbers damage, she executes her playstyle very effectively.
Bard [God Tier Support]
Seeing Bard up so high is somewhat nostalgic. We always knew that his kit had a lot of potential on release, but never thought he’d be consistent enough to make it up to God Tier some day. However, with the skill floor that players exhibit in the current day and age, Bard is in fact, extremely powerful and capable of great things on a consistent basis. Man I feel old.
Kled [Tier 1 Top]
Kled had a short reign and never really exhibited his full popularity in solo queue. Nevertheless, he’s been nerfed while being a semi-sleeper pick and is now relatively weaker in his laning phase. This gives him a much smaller margin for error and lowers the bar for his trading potential.
Miss Fortune [Tier 1 Marksman]
Miss Fortune’s damage wasn’t affected, so seeing the effects of the nerf is somewhat indirect. While you won’t feel different while dueling her, it’s each moment where she’s capable of running you down or getting away that you’ll really feel that 10 movement speed difference. This change also makes it more difficult for her to auto-space into multiple auto-attack harass hits, which does make a significant, if less noticeable difference.
Trundle [Tier 1 Jungle]
Trundle’s rise to power comes in an era where Maokai rules the meta. Meanwhile, with the latest nerfs to Maokai we could be seeing a shift from tanky top lanes as well. With that being said, I’m tentatively moving Trundle to Tier 1 simply because the meta doesn’t seem to be shifting fast enough based on the nerfs and honestly he’s still very strong against beefy champions.
Twitch [God Tier Marksman]
The ultimate sleeper pick, nearly nobody plays Twitch right now, which is definitely a mistake. Nerfs to multiple marksmen have brought their power levels down significantly, while Twitch continues to stealthily grow indirectly in power. He’s a solo queue god, and there’s a reason why boosters enjoy playing him. His ability to solo enemy teams is immense, and he’s capable of exploiting mispositioning at will.
Udyr [Tier 1 Jungle]
Another sleeper pick this patch, it’s difficult to say if Udyr will really ever gain popularity as a result of his low utility kit. He now does what he does a little better, and people who are used to his playstyle will do significantly better with just a little more at their disposal. If you’re planning to pick up Udyr for the first time you’ll likely be disappointed, but he’s honestly pretty good right now if you cater to his strengths.
Wukong [God Tier Top]
Somehow Wukong remained untouched this patch, likely because Riot wanted to give him a break after slamming him over and over since release. That being said, nerfs to other top lane champions this patch really just cemented this monkey’s place as the strongest top lane champion in the game…until the next round of nerfs.