Blitzcrank: Passive shield duration decreased, W initial bonus movement speed decreased.
Evelynn: W slow decreased, R damage decreased.
Jinx: R cooldown increased.
Kassadin: E damage decreased.
Master Yi: E bonus true damage decreased.
Olaf: Q damage decreased, bonus damage to monsters increased, R passive resistances decreased.
Pyke: W mana cost increased, cooldown increased.
Taliyah: Q mana cost increased, damage to monsters decreased.
Twitch: Base health decreased, health growth increased, W slow AP ratio decreased, R bonus AD decreased.
Urgot: Armor growth decreased.
Amumu: Base AD and base armor increased.
Karma: Q slow increased, R+E shield on secondary targets increased, bonus movement speed increased.
Seraphine: Q AP ratio increased.
Sejuani: Passive bonus resistances increased, W damage adjusted.
Akshan: Q movement speed on champion hit no longer scales with level, damage to non-champions decreased, R minimum damage per shot increased, maximum damage adjusted.
Bel’Veth: Passive bonus attack speed adjusted, Q damage decreased, Q damage to monsters increased early game.
Janna: W damage decreased, E shield increased.
Kennen: E damage range indicator added, R animation added, can now cast while moving.
Nilah: Q minimum damage decreased, bonus attack speed increased, bonus damage based on critical strike chance decreased.
Empyrean skins for various champions, including Nocturne, Varus, Brand, Malzahar, Akali, and Kayle.
Prestige Empyrean Kayle.
Arena Changes:
Arena returns with new features and changes, including increased lobby size and new item tier called Primatic.
Anvils are now purchasable consumables that provide randomized selections.
The Koi Pond map is introduced in Arena.
Lee Sin ASU:
Lee Sin receives an Art and Sustainability Update with new animations and audio.
Traditional Lee Sin and Dragon Fist Lee Sin skins have price increases.
Split 1 End Date:
Split 1 ends on May 14, 2024, at 23:59:59 server time.
Split 2 starts on May 15, 2024, at 12:00:00 server time.
Vanguard Anti-Cheat:
Vanguard will be deployed and active in League of Legends, aiming to reduce scripters and cheaters.
Players must install Vanguard to play the game.
DirectX 9 Support:
DirectX 9 support will be ended for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics to maintain game stability and performance.
Players using DirectX 9 will be automatically switched to a different version.
Quality of Life Changes
Selection radius adjustments for various champions to match gameplay with visuals more consistently.
Gameplay collision radius adjustments to improve auto attack range and collision with missiles.
Pathfinding radius adjustments to determine how closely units can stand together.
Bug Fixes
Several bugs fixed including issues with jungle item XP, Master Yi’s double strike, Graves’ auto attacks, Aatrox’s W chains, Kled’s W, Yone’s Q charge, Gwen’s W calculation, Sylas’s Essence Rush, Rengar’s cooldown, Mikael’s Blessing, Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
MSI Clash Tournament
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.
Warnings will be issued for players receiving high volumes of reports, requiring them to review and accept the Code of Conduct.
Lee Sin Prestige Nightbringer Skin
The Prestige Nightbringer skin for Lee Sin will return in the Mythic Shop but will be removed in the next patch.
Fiora’s E Default Damage
Fiora’s E now defaults to the highest damage effect between Sundered Sky and her E2 when both are active at the same time.
Arena Tuning
Smolder will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hwei and Nami buffs will be slowly removed as they have received buffs on Summoner’s Rift.
Hubris will be experimented with to target buffing melee assassins without buffing AD casters too much.
Item Adjustments
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
Bug Fixes Continued
Several additional bugs fixed including issues with Skarner’s Impale, Lux’s E and Xerath’s W detection, Sandscourage Skarner’s SFX, Skarner’s exit wall SFX, Mikael’s Blessing cleansing Renata’s R, Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Arclight Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
Chromas and Skins
Various chromas and skins will be released in this patch.
Arena Menace Smolder
Smolder is becoming an ARAM menace and will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hubris Passive Change
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
MSI Clash Tournament Details
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.
Warnings will be issued for players receiving high volumes of reports, requiring them to review and accept the Code of Conduct.
Lee Sin Prestige Nightbringer Skin
The Prestige Nightbringer skin for Lee Sin will return in the Mythic Shop but will be removed in the next patch.
Fiora’s E Default Damage
Fiora’s E now defaults to the highest damage effect between Sundered Sky and her E2 when both are active at the same time.
Arena Tuning
Smolder will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hwei and Nami buffs will be slowly removed as they have received buffs on Summoner’s Rift.
Hubris will be experimented with to target buffing melee assassins without buffing AD casters too much.
Item Adjustments
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
Bug Fixes Continued
Several additional bugs fixed including issues with Skarner’s Impale, Lux’s E and Xerath’s W detection, Sandscourage Skarner’s SFX, Skarner’s exit wall SFX, Mikael’s Blessing cleansing Renata’s R, Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Arclight Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
Chromas and Skins
Various chromas and skins will be released in this patch.
Arena Menace Smolder
Smolder is becoming an ARAM menace and will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hubris Passive Change
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
MSI Clash Tournament Details
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.
Warnings will be issued for players receiving high volumes of reports, requiring them to review and accept the Code of Conduct.
Lee Sin Prestige Nightbringer Skin
The Prestige Nightbringer skin for Lee Sin will return in the Mythic Shop but will be removed in the next patch.
Fiora’s E Default Damage
Fiora’s E now defaults to the highest damage effect between Sundered Sky and her E2 when both are active at the same time.
Arena Tuning
Smolder will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hwei and Nami buffs will be slowly removed as they have received buffs on Summoner’s Rift.
Hubris will be experimented with to target buffing melee assassins without buffing AD casters too much.
Item Adjustments
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
Bug Fixes Continued
Several additional bugs fixed including issues with Skarner’s Impale, Lux’s E and Xerath’s W detection, Sandscourage Skarner’s SFX, Skarner’s exit wall SFX, Mikael’s Blessing cleansing Renata’s R, Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Arclight Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
Chromas and Skins
Various chromas and skins will be released in this patch.
Arena Menace Smolder
Smolder is becoming an ARAM menace and will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hubris Passive Change
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
MSI Clash Tournament Details
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.
Warnings will be issued for players receiving high volumes of reports, requiring them to review and accept the Code of Conduct.
Lee Sin Prestige Nightbringer Skin
The Prestige Nightbringer skin for Lee Sin will return in the Mythic Shop but will be removed in the next patch.
Fiora’s E Default Damage
Fiora’s E now defaults to the highest damage effect between Sundered Sky and her E2 when both are active at the same time.
Arena Tuning
Smolder will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hwei and Nami buffs will be slowly removed as they have received buffs on Summoner’s Rift.
Hubris will be experimented with to target buffing melee assassins without buffing AD casters too much.
Item Adjustments
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
Bug Fixes Continued
Several additional bugs fixed including issues with Skarner’s Impale, Lux’s E and Xerath’s W detection, Sandscourage Skarner’s SFX, Skarner’s exit wall SFX, Mikael’s Blessing cleansing Renata’s R, Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Arclight Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
Chromas and Skins
Various chromas and skins will be released in this patch.
Arena Menace Smolder
Smolder is becoming an ARAM menace and will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hubris Passive Change
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
MSI Clash Tournament Details
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.
Warnings will be issued for players receiving high volumes of reports, requiring them to review and accept the Code of Conduct.
Lee Sin Prestige Nightbringer Skin
The Prestige Nightbringer skin for Lee Sin will return in the Mythic Shop but will be removed in the next patch.
Fiora’s E Default Damage
Fiora’s E now defaults to the highest damage effect between Sundered Sky and her E2 when both are active at the same time.
Arena Tuning
Smolder will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hwei and Nami buffs will be slowly removed as they have received buffs on Summoner’s Rift.
Hubris will be experimented with to target buffing melee assassins without buffing AD casters too much.
Item Adjustments
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
Bug Fixes Continued
Several additional bugs fixed including issues with Skarner’s Impale, Lux’s E and Xerath’s W detection, Sandscourage Skarner’s SFX, Skarner’s exit wall SFX, Mikael’s Blessing cleansing Renata’s R, Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Arclight Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
Chromas and Skins
Various chromas and skins will be released in this patch.
Arena Menace Smolder
Smolder is becoming an ARAM menace and will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hubris Passive Change
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
MSI Clash Tournament Details
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.
Warnings will be issued for players receiving high volumes of reports, requiring them to review and accept the Code of Conduct.
Lee Sin Prestige Nightbringer Skin
The Prestige Nightbringer skin for Lee Sin will return in the Mythic Shop but will be removed in the next patch.
Fiora’s E Default Damage
Fiora’s E now defaults to the highest damage effect between Sundered Sky and her E2 when both are active at the same time.
Arena Tuning
Smolder will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hwei and Nami buffs will be slowly removed as they have received buffs on Summoner’s Rift.
Hubris will be experimented with to target buffing melee assassins without buffing AD casters too much.
Item Adjustments
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
Bug Fixes Continued
Several additional bugs fixed including issues with Skarner’s Impale, Lux’s E and Xerath’s W detection, Sandscourage Skarner’s SFX, Skarner’s exit wall SFX, Mikael’s Blessing cleansing Renata’s R, Worldbreaker Malzahar’s Nether Grasp VFX, Arclight Brand’s Blaze VFX, and Immortal Journey Kayle’s HUD portrait splash art.
Chromas and Skins
Various chromas and skins will be released in this patch.
Arena Menace Smolder
Smolder is becoming an ARAM menace and will be tuned similar to other infinite stacking champions.
Hubris Passive Change
Hubris passive changed to 15 + (2statues) AD for melee users and 10 + (1statues) AD for ranged users, with a buff duration of 90 seconds for melee users and 45 seconds for ranged users.
MSI Clash Tournament Details
Registration begins on April 29, 2024, at 11:00 AM local time.
Tournament dates are May 4 and 5, 2024, from approximately 4-7 PM local time.
Consolations for Leavers and Feeders
Consolations will be provided for verified leavers and feeders, including LP consolation, autofill protection, XP boost, and ARAM rerolls.