League of Legends

League of Legends Patch 14.6: Champion Balances, Item Updates, and Ranked Changes Explained



  • Briar
  • Gragas
  • Karma
  • Senna
  • Smolder
  • Volibear


  • Cho’Gath
  • Diana
  • Ornn
  • Shen
  • Sion
  • Tryndamere


  • Galio
  • Kayn
  • Rek’Sai

Detailed Changes:


  • Feral Scream (W): Cooldown decreased from 13-9 seconds to 11-9 seconds.
  • Vorpal Spikes (E): Damage per spike increased from 22-70 to 22-82.


  • Attack Speed Ratio: Increased from 0.625 to 0.694.
  • Attack Speed Growth: Decreased from 2.25% to 2%.
  • Passive – Moonsilver Blade: Bonus attack speed decreased from scaling every 3 levels to linear scaling, with a maximum of 15-35%.
  • Empowered Bonus Attack Speed: Duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.


  • Base Health: Decreased.
  • Q – Barrel Roll: Mana cost increased to 80 at all ranks.


  • Mana Growth: Decreased from 50 to 40.
  • Mana Regeneration Growth: Increased from 0.5 to 0.8.
  • Passive – Gathering Fire: Cooldown refund decreased from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Q – Inner Flame: Mana cost increased from 45 to 40-80.
  • R – Mantra: Cooldown increased from 40-31 seconds to 40-34 seconds, and R+E Defiance Bonus Shield increased from 25-175 +45% AP to 50-170 +45% AP.


  • Darkin Q Damage: Increased.
  • Q – Reaping Slash: Animation now locks Kayn out of using item actives.
  • R – Umbral Trespass: Damage reduced from 150/250/350 (+175% Bonus AD) to 150/250/350 (+150% Bonus AD).


  • E – Searing Charge: Cooldown decreased from 16/15/14/13/12 seconds to 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds.


  • W – Burrow: Bug fix to ensure attacks always damage and knock up the primary target.
  • R – Void Rush: QoL update to allow casting from outside of cast range, and bug fix to prevent failure if stunned on the next frame after casting.


  • Passive – Absolution: Mist Wraith spawn rate on minion kill decreased from 8.333% to 2.8%.


  • Passive – Ki Barrier: Cooldown refund adjusted for better trading potential, with a linear level scaling from 4-7.5 seconds.


  • Q – Decimating Smash: Minimum damage increased from 40/60/80/100/120 (+45/52.5/60/67.5/75% total AD) to 40/60/80/100/120 (+40/50/60/70/80% total AD).
  • W – Soul Furnace: Shield increased from 60/85/110/135/160 (+8/9/10/11/12% maximum health) to 60/75/90/105/120 (+8/10/12/14/16% maximum health).


  • Q – Super Scorcher Breath: Execute threshold decreased from 2% (+0.025% per stack) to 6.5%.
  • W – ACHOOO: Missile radius decreased from 125 to 115.
  • E – Flap, Flap, Flap: Movement speed decreased from 100% to 75%.


  • Attack Speed Growth: Increased from 2.9% to 3.4%.


  • Q – Thundering Smash: Bonus movement speed decreased from 12/17/22/27/32% to 12/16/20/24/28%.
  • R – Stormbringer: Cooldown increased from 130/115/100 seconds to 140/120/100 seconds.

Crit Marksmen Buffs

  • Infinity Edge: Critical strike damage increased from 40% to 50%.
  • Navori Quickblades: Attack damage increased from 60 to 65.
  • Lord Dominik’s Regards: Armor penetration increased from 30% to 35%.
  • Mortal Reminder: Armor penetration increased from 30% to 35%.

Early Doran’s Items for Junglers and Supports

  • Doran’s Items: Supports and junglers can no longer buy multiple Doran’s items simultaneously. For example, owning Doran’s Blade or Ring prevents buying support quests without selling the item first.

Early Income for Supports

  • Support Items: Gold from support items reduced, delaying the second item purchase. This aims to weaken roaming and bring ranged and melee users closer to quest completion parity.

Epic Items

  • Epic Items: Nerfed to reduce early item spikes and preserve Legendary item power. Changes include reducing gold and experience differences and making expensive components harder to buy.


  • Voidgrub Death Buff: Changed from a shield to a heal, eliminating confusion about when to smite a Voidgrub.


  • Alistar, Diana, Lillia, Ornn, and Twisted Fate received damage adjustments.


  • Janna: Q cooldown increased from 14 to 16 seconds, and shielding done increased from 90% to 95%.
  • Ziggs: W tower execute reduced, passive damage to structures decreased, and overall damage dealt increased.

Upcoming Rotations

  • Mythic Shop: New items like Prestige PsyOps Ezreal, Prestige Winterblessed Warwick, and Prestige Duality Dragon Volibear are available. Items like Prestige Mythmaker Sivir and Prestige K/DA Ahri are leaving the shop.

Bug Fixes

  • Various bug fixes for champions like Gragas, Diana, Urgot, Twisted Fate, Rengar, Shyvana, and more.


Nerfs: Briar, Gragas, Karma, Senna, Smolder, Volibear;

Buffs: Cho’Gath, Diana, Ornn, Shen, Sion, Tryndamere;

Tweaks: Galio, Kayn, Rek’Sai


W cooldown decreased. E damage increased.

Cho’Gath isn’t doing too hot up top, so we’re here to help this Void monstrosity become a bit more monstrous. We’re specifically targeting his early W cooldown and E damage in order to give him some better trading power and waveclear in lane.

W – Feral Scream

  • Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 ⇒ 11/10.5/10/9.5/9 seconds

E – Vorpal Spikes

  • Damage per Spike: 22/34/46/58/70 (+3% (+0.5% per Feast stack) of target’s maximum health) ⇒ 22/37/52/67/82 (+3% (+0.5% per Feast stack) of target’s maximum health)


Attack speed ratio increased, growth decreased. Passive bonus attack speed decreased, scaling adjusted, empowered bonus attack speed duration increased.

While Diana has been successful as an assassin in the mid lane this season, Jungle Diana has suffered due to her need to be an auto attacker. This patch, we’re amping up her synergy with sustained combat builds without giving too much extra power to bursty ones.

Base Stats

  • Attack Speed Ratio: 0.625 ⇒ 0.694
  • Attack Speed Growth: 2.25% ⇒ 2%

Passive – Moonsilver Blade

  • Bonus Attack Speed: 15-39.96% (scaling every 3 levels) ⇒ 15-35% (scaling linearly) (Note: Added scaling past level 18 for alternate game modes.)
  • Empowered Bonus Attack Speed: tripled for 3 seconds ⇒ tripled for 5 seconds (Note: this tooltip is bugged and will not reflect the change until the next patch.)


Base health decreased. Q mana cost increased.

Gragas is currently performing too well in solo queue, particularly in higher skill brackets, so we’ll be nerfing him there specifically. We’re doing this by reducing his base health, as it’s currently quite high, which should increase his early vulnerability and give his opponents more of a window to kill him, while also slightly reducing some of his passive power. We’re also including a nerf to his Q mana cost to reduce how frequently he can spam his Q before purchasing items.

Base Stats

Q – Barrel Roll

  • Mana Cost: 80/75/70/65/60 ⇒ 80 at all ranks


Mana growth decreased, mana regeneration growth increased. Passive cooldown refund decreased. Q mana cost increased. R cooldown increased, E+R bonus shield increased.

Right now Karma is a reasonably powerful support but an oppressive mid laner who makes it difficult to do anything against her in the mid game. We want Mantra to be a button that she has to consider when to press and think of the best situations to use it. With Karma’s easy access to Ultimate Haste, that strategic choice has lost value as she’s casting Mantra too frequently. We have some nerfs to address this, but plan to offset these for support Karma by shifting her toward mana regen and including a buff to Defiance to preserve its current power level.

Base Stats

  • Mana Growth: 50 ⇒ 40
  • Mana Regeneration Growth: 0.5 ⇒ 0.8

Passive – Gathering Fire

  • Cooldown Refund: 5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds

Q – Inner Flame

  • Mana Cost: 45 ⇒ 40/50/60/70/80

R – Mantra

  • Cooldown: 40/37/34/31 ⇒ 40/38/36/34 seconds
  • R+E Defiance Bonus Shield: 25/75/125/175 (+45% AP) ⇒ 50/90/130/170 (+45% AP)


Darkin Q damage increased, Q animation now prevents use of item actives. Shadow Assassin R damage decreased.

Thanks to the last patch, fighter items now appear to be optimal on Rhaast. So mission accomplished there That said, Kayn’s two forms are still pretty far apart in power level, so we’re nerfing Shadow Assassin and buffing Darkin a bit more. We’re also specifically hitting his ability to activate items during his Q, as those items are meant to have their own cast times without being hidden inside of other spells.

Q – Reaping Slash

  • Darkin – Damage per Hit: 65% Total AD + 5 (+3.5% bonus AD)% target’s maximum health ⇒ 65% Total AD + 6 (+3.5% bonus AD)% target’s maximum health
  • newReaping Slash’s animation now locks Kayn out of using item actives.

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