League of Legends

League of Legends: Astronaut Skins for Bard, Gnar, and Poppy in Patch 10.11

A New Set of Astronaut Skins for League of Legends

Patch 10.11 is set to introduce a new set of Astronaut skins for League of Legends. Bard, Gnar, and Poppy will receive these space-themed looks, adding to the game’s diverse cosmetic options.

Astronaut Bard

  • Description: Bard is long overdue for a new skin, and this theme fits perfectly. The cosmic caretaker looks great in a spacesuit, and his meeps are transformed into cute, Toy Story-like aliens.
  • Features: The skin includes 8 chromas and is a great addition to Bard’s kit.

Astronaut Gnar

  • Description: Gnar’s Astronaut skin combines the cuteness of Mini Gnar with the fearsome nature of Mega Gnar. The former is Mini Gnar in a colorful spacesuit, while the latter is a huge, terrifying alien creature.
  • Features: The skin has 6 chroma options and offers distinct differences from Super Galaxy Gnar.

Astronaut Poppy

  • Description: Poppy’s Astronaut skin is modern and sleek, featuring a space hammer upgrade. Her ultimate, Keeper’s Verdict, now forms a rocket ship after knocking a champion up from an explosion of space rock terrain.
  • Features: The skin includes 7 chromas and boasts one of the most unique animations in the game.

All three skins are well-made, colorful, and worth the purchase when they hit the live servers on Patch 10.11. AstroNautilus won’t be lonely anymore with these high-quality, space-themed additions.


League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

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