League of Legends

FunPlus Phoenix’s 2019 Worlds Skins Unveiled: Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Thresh, and Vayne

The World Championship Skins for FunPlus Phoenix Have Been Revealed

The 2019 World Championship skins for FunPlus Phoenix are now available on the Public Beta Environment. Winning the League of Legends World Championship comes with the honor of receiving personal in-game skins, and for FunPlus Phoenix, this was no exception.

The skins feature Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne, and Thresh, all adorned in FunPlus Phoenix colors. The red and gold color scheme is sharp and modern, setting these skins apart from previous champions like SK Telecom T1, who also feature similar colors.

Doinb’s choice of Malphite is notable, as he played the champion only once during the tournament. However, his wife is the only one who can play Malphite, making it a personal choice for him[1].

GimGoon picked Gangplank, Tian grabbed Lee Sin, and Crisp opted for Thresh. These champions are highly popular in their respective roles and are expected to be popular in solo queue games soon.

Each skin also includes an elite chroma option, which changes the color scheme to a more black and red style, providing an excellent alternative for the FPX skin line.

Overall, the skins are of high quality, and players will likely be eager to purchase them when they move from the PBE to live League of Legends servers.

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