League of Legends

2020 LCS Summer Split Starts Early Due to MSI Cancellation

The 2020 LCS Summer Split will start on June 13, pushed forward due to the cancellation of the Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) by Riot. The cancellation, announced in late April due to COVID-19, allowed for an earlier start to the domestic League of Legends action.

The split will begin with a finals rematch between Cloud9 and FlyQuest. However, the decision on whether the games will take place at the LCS Studios or remotely is still uncertain. They will continue to follow local and state guidelines around COVID-19 to determine when it’s safe to return to the studios. If they cannot return, the games will continue online.

A small schedule change was also announced: games on Saturday and Sunday will now start one hour earlier, at 4 p.m. ET. There will still be four games on weekend days, and two games on Monday Night League starting at 8 p.m. ET.

The summer playoff format is new and different from the spring split. Eight of the ten LCS teams will make the playoffs, competing in a mostly double-elimination bracket. The top three teams at the end of the playoffs will qualify for Worlds 2020, with no regional qualifier tournament or championship points system.


LoL Esports

Eight of the ten LCS teams will compete in a mostly double-elimination bracket. The top three teams at the end of the playoffs will qualify for Worlds 2020, with no regional qualifier tournament or championship points system.

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