
How to Find, Tame, and Ride Klombos in LEGO Fortnite

Where To Find Klombos

Klombos are exclusive to the Lost Isles in LEGO Fortnite. You can find them in either the Jungle biome, specifically around lagoons, or in the Plains biome. These creatures are naturally peaceful towards players.

To get to the Lost Isles, use a Bus Stop and select the Lost Isles as your destination.

Where To Find Mama Klombo

Mama Klombo can be found in the Jungle biome, particularly in the vibrant blue lagoons. Look for Klombo statues in these areas; when you get close, Mama Klombo will surface from the water. You can feed her any item, but she prefers Klomberries and Pineapples. In return, she will give you items like Mahogany Wood or Stink Glands. If left alone, she will return to the lagoon.

How To Tame Klombos

To tame a Klombo, you need to feed it Klomberries. These berries are scattered around the Lost Isles and can be found in both the Jungle and Plains biomes. You can also plant Klomberry seeds in a plot to have an infinite supply.

To feed a Klombo, simply drop the Klomberries near it. After eating the berries, the Klombo will be tamed and rideable. If the tamed Klombo runs out of stamina or gets enraged from taking too much damage, you will need to tame it again.

Klombo Abilities

While riding a Klombo, you’ll notice it has its own stamina and health bar. The stamina bar depletes when you run through objects or over time. The health bar depletes when the Klombo takes damage from enemies.

Klombos can break through most objects, from trees to large rocks, and can even mow down enemies. Here are the controls for riding a Klombo:

  • Dismount (E/X/Square): Get off the Klombo.
  • Vacuum (Hold Q/B/Circle): Pull nearby items towards the Klombo to restore its health.
  • Launch (Ctrl/Y/Triangle): Get launched into the air and deploy your Glider by pressing the Jump button.
  • Charge (Shift/LS/L3): Activate a sprint, dealing damage to enemies and destroying structures. This consumes more stamina.

Exploring the Lost Isles

The Lost Isles offer a vast and diverse environment to explore, with multiple biomes each hosting unique creatures and resources. The Jungle biome is rich with lagoons and dense foliage, making it an ideal place to find Klombos and other wildlife. The Plains biome, on the other hand, is more open and easier to navigate, with scattered Klomberries and other resources.

Managing Klombo Stamina and Health

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your Klombo’s stamina and health bars. If the stamina bar depletes, the Klombo will stop moving, and you’ll need to tame it again. Similarly, if the health bar depletes, the Klombo will become untamed. You can restore health by using the vacuum ability to consume nearby items.

Utilizing Klombo Abilities

Each of the Klombo’s abilities can be highly beneficial in different situations. The vacuum ability is great for gathering resources quickly, while the launch ability can help you traverse the map faster. The charge ability is powerful for clearing obstacles and defeating enemies, but it consumes more stamina, so use it wisely.

Interacting with Mama Klombo

Feeding Mama Klombo can reward you with valuable items. Since she prefers Klomberries and Pineapples, make sure to stock up on these items before approaching her. This interaction not only provides resources but also adds a fun element to your gameplay experience.

By mastering how to find, tame, and ride Klombos, you can enhance your gameplay in LEGO Fortnite and explore the Lost Isles more efficiently. Remember to manage your Klombo’s stamina and health, and use its abilities strategically to get the most out of your adventure.