League of Legends

Fiddlesticks’ Rework: Terrifying New Skins and Abilities Unveiled

Fiddlesticks is undergoing a significant rework, updating its kit while maintaining its terrifying elements in League of Legends. The champion remains a scarecrow but has become more menacing. Its kit still includes fear and Crowstorm, with new abilities and visual changes. The rework aims to modernize Fiddlesticks, transforming it into the most terrifying champion in the game.

Fiddlesticks’ new design is a far cry from its previous laughable appearance. The champion now has a more menacing look, with a long right arm featuring sharp claws to enhance its spookiness. The color palette has shifted to reds and blacks, emphasizing its demonic origin. The champion’s new mechanics are centered around fear, allowing for more hidden opportunities to ambush enemies.

The rework includes a new passive ability that allows Fiddlesticks to play tricks on opponents by mimicking effigies, creating psychological warfare. The Q ability, Terrify, has been revamped with two parts: the initial fear and a follow-up effect. The E ability, Reap, now cleaves an area in front of Fiddlesticks, dealing damage and slowing enemies while silencing those in the center.

Fiddlesticks’ ultimate ability, Crowstorm, remains powerful but has received visual changes. The champion can now cast other abilities while Crowstorm is active, making it a formidable tool for initiating or turning fights. The rework aims to make Fiddlesticks an extremely powerful champion, especially in lower elos, due to its impactful ultimate.

The new Fiddlesticks is set to launch once patch 10.7 moves from the Public Beta Environment to the live servers. Fiddlesticks was voted by players to receive this rework, alongside Volibear.

Base Skin:
Fiddlesticks’ base splash art

Spectral Fiddlesticks emits a green glow as it sucks the souls out of humans

Bandito Fiddlesticks chases after people, drawing them in with a lamp

Surprise Party:
Surprise Party Fiddlesticks celebrates a birthday, while a sad Amumu watches from the window

Union Jack:
Fiddlesticks terrorizes people while wearing a bowler cap and a monocle

Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks reaches down to pick up a card filled with people

Fiddle Me Timbers:
Fiddle Me Timbers trudges through the waters looking for prey

Dark Candy:
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks peers down a chimney

Risen Fiddlesticks screeches while adorned in gold and jade

Praetorian Fiddlesticks opens its robot mouth and has a disgusting cord-like tongue

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