League of Legends

Fiddlesticks’ Rework: New Abilities and Tactics Revealed

Fiddlesticks’ Upcoming Rework for League of Legends

Fiddlesticks, the Harbinger of Doom, is set to receive a significant update in League of Legends. The champion won a community vote alongside Volibear and now we’re seeing the details of this rework.

Passive – Scarecrow Effigies

Fiddlesticks now uses Scarecrow Effigies instead of a trinket. These effigies look exactly like Fiddlesticks and grant vision like regular wards. When an enemy approaches an effigy, it fakes a random action (like basic attacking or casting Crowstorm) before destroying itself. Fiddlesticks can hold up to two effigies at once. The effigy cooldown decreases and duration increases with Fiddlesticks’ level. At level 6, placing an effigy reveals nearby wards for 6 seconds.

Q – Terrify

  • Passive: Enemies damaged by Fiddlesticks’ abilities while out of combat and unseen become terrified, fleeing in the opposite direction.
  • Active: Terrify the target, dealing damage based on their current health. If cast on an enemy recently terrified, they take double damage instead of being terrified again.

W – Bountiful Harvest

Fiddlesticks drains the souls of nearby enemies, damaging them continuously over a few seconds and healing Fiddlesticks based on damage dealt. The last tick damages and heals based on the target’s missing health. If Bountiful Harvest fully channels or if no enemies remain to be harvested, its cooldown is partially refunded.

E – Reap

Fiddlesticks damages and slows enemies in a crescent-shaped area in front of itself. Enemies in the center of the crescent are also silenced.

R – Crowstorm

Fiddlesticks channels before blinking to the target location and continuously damaging nearby enemies for several seconds.

The rework is expected to hit the Public Beta Environment next week as part of patch 10.7. Fiddlesticks is now scarier than ever, with major updates to its kit that keep its core value of scaring opponents intact while introducing new strategic elements like the Scarecrow Effigies.

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