
Unconventional Victory: Clinkz as a Support Hero in Dota 2

Support Clinkz: A Surprising Hero in Dota 2

Support Clinkz, an unconventional hero, gained prominence with Team Nigma and their captain, KuroKy, during the WeSave Charity Play EU & CIS tournament. They picked Clinkz five times in the playoffs, achieving a 3-2 record with him.

In the semi-finals against Team Liquid, KuroKy consistently chose Clinkz for all four games, even after losing the first match. In the grand-finals against HellRaisers, KuroKy used Clinkz once, resulting in a loss.

Team Nigma’s positive record with support Clinkz in a major tournament against top teams is impressive. They often played Clinkz in an aggressive tri-lane setup, which is a departure from the standard 2-1-2 lane configuration.

Clinkz’s effectiveness in the early game is notable. He can harass the enemy carry with Searing Arrows, allowing him to right-click without aggroing creeps. This advantage gives his off-lane partner freedom to harass or deny creeps.

Clinkz’s Skeleton Walk ability increases his movement speed and makes him invisible, enabling him to roam the map quickly and surprise enemies in mid lane.

However, Clinkz is one of the squishiest heroes, making him vulnerable in team fights. Death Pact, a basic ability, helps offset his low health by providing a health gain and easy farming.

After the early game, Clinkz’s impact diminishes. Unlike traditional supports like Lion or Shadow Shaman, he lacks natural disables and saving abilities. His primary contribution is dealing damage, which can be challenging if not executed well.

To be effective, support Clinkz requires items like Diffusal Blade or Orchid’s Malevolence. If unable to farm, this can be an issue, as he relies heavily on dealing physical damage.

Despite these limitations, support Clinkz has shown surprising results in high-tier Dota with a positive win rate. His potential as a support hero is significant, especially if players master his gameplay and strategy.

Has anyone tried out support Clinkz or won with him as their teammate?


  • Team Nigma: Nigma
  • KuroKy: KuroKy
  • Team Liquid: Team Liquid
  • HellRaisers: HellRaisers
  • Lion: Lion
  • Shadow Shaman: Shadow Shaman
  • Oracle: Oracle
  • Dazzle: Dazzle

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