
Chainsaws Might Return to Fortnite: Here’s What to Expect

Chainsaws May Return to Fortnite Next Season: Here’s What We Know

Fortnitemares 2024 introduced several exciting features to Fortnite, including a powerful chainsaw that served as both a weapon and a vehicle. Given the player base’s enthusiasm for chainsaws, it’s likely that Epic Games will bring them back in the future.

Future of Chainsaws in Fortnite

New leaks suggest that Fortnite is working on a new gameplay feature for Chapter 6, Season 2, which might involve chainsaws or ripsaw launchers. Although the release date for Chapter 6: Season 2 is rumored to be February 21st, details about its contents are scarce.

Expected Changes in Chapter 6: Season 2

As with previous seasons, you can expect map changes, a new battle pass, and the unvaulting of powerful guns. Melee weapons, such as samurai swords and the Fortnitemares chainsaw, have also gained significant attention lately.

Why Chainsaws Are Valuable

Chainsaws are not just melee weapons; they also offer valuable mobility options. Here’s how you can use them effectively:

  • Basic Attack: Press the primary fire button to swing the chainsaw at nearby enemies. This attack deals significant damage but requires you to be close to your opponent.
  • Jump Attack: Combine the primary fire button with the jump button to execute a jump attack, which can be tricky but devastating.
  • Rush Attack: Hold the aim button to perform a rush attack, allowing you to ride the chainsaw on the ground. This is useful for closing in on enemies or escaping difficult situations. The rush attack can also be used vertically on hills or mountains.

Combining Chainsaws with Other Strategies

To fully utilize the chainsaw, pair it with a long- or medium-range weapon. Weaken your opponent from a distance before finishing them with a close-range chainsaw attack. The chainsaw is also excellent for breaking through enemy structures, giving you an advantage in build battles.

Chainsaw Tactics

When using the chainsaw, surprise attacks can be highly effective, especially in tight spaces. The rush attack is particularly useful for quickly closing the gap between you and your target, dealing 85 damage and leaving enemies little time to react.

Mobility and Combat

The chainsaw consumes no stamina, making it a great mobility item. You can use it to quickly navigate the map or escape from enemies without worrying about stamina depletion. This versatility makes the chainsaw a valuable asset in both aggressive plays and strategic escapes.

Community Reception

The introduction of chainsaws during Fortnitemares 2024 was well-received by the community. Players appreciated the unique blend of slashing attacks and movement options that the chainsaw provided. If chainsaws return, it is likely they will remain a popular choice among players due to their effectiveness in close-range combat and map navigation.

Future Developments

While there is no official confirmation from Epic Games about the return of chainsaws, the ongoing interest and positive feedback from players suggest it is a strong possibility. As new seasons and updates are announced, we can expect more details on whether chainsaws will be reintroduced and how they might be improved or modified.