In his current state, Sylas is gaining popularity as a support champion in solo queue, with a playrate of over 1%. This puts him on par with lesser-played supports like Taric and Galio. While this might be partly due to autofilled mid laners, Sylas actually excels as an all-in support or farmer alongside champions like Leona or Xerath.
Guide to Playing Bot Lane/Support Sylas
Abilities: E, W, Q, then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Summoner Spells: Flash, Ignite
Starting Items: World Atlas + Health Potions (Support), Doran Ring + Health Potions (Farmer)
Strategy: All-in constantly when conditions are favorable
Core Items: Zak’Zak’s Realmspike, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Stormsurge, Shadowflame, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Lichbane
Sylas Bot/Support Runes Setup
Primary: Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Relentless Hunter
Secondary: Transcendence, Scorch
How It Works
Powerful All-In Trades
Sylas excels in killing enemy marksmen with low cooldowns and excellent crowd control. By continuously pressuring them in lane, Sylas disrupts enemy rhythms through constant fighting.
Insane Sustain
Sylas’s Kingslayer [W] heals significantly, even at lower health. This makes bot laners less experienced against Sylas early game easier to catch off guard.
High Outplay and Dive Potential
Sylas’s mobility and dive power are exceptional, allowing him to take out enemy marksmen under turret with ease. This freedom to roam and engage in other lanes is a significant advantage in the current meta.
Potential Pitfalls
Snowball Reliant
As a support, Sylas relies heavily on snowballing. If he can’t burst down his initial target and get out safely, he becomes vulnerable. He needs to be an off-meta pick to catch enemies unaware.
Support Sylas/Bot Sylas Conclusions
Sylas support/bot is strong and works well with the right team composition. He can snowball and scale into mid/late game easily but may feel lackluster in dull games with passive lane partners.